2019 So far

“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.” – Earl Nightingale


2019 hasn’t been without it’s ups and downs, but what I can say, is this trip around the sun has been full of love, life and puppy snuggles.

In January, as my heart was grieving it also became so full of love. Two wonderful, curious, loving, silly puppies changed life forever.

Needless to say, there were (and are) LOTS of snuggles, playtime and love. Hollie is such a snuggler and anxious about a lot, but so protective. Sage is so comical, playful and independent. She always watches the birds and the planes. Things I never thought I’d say: No, you can’t chase the birds. You’re okay, the garbage cans can’t get you. STOP biting your sister. I try to always giggle at it. Currently: they’re playing separately, Hollie is running circles playing with a ball that’s filled with treats, Sage is chewing at a bone and Mommy is drinking a big glass of wine… Peace for a few minutes.

But in all reality, these girls are amazing. They’re so different and perfect. GREAT with people, listen majority of the time (except ms. Beyonce AKA Sage), always up for an adventure and just full of love. I still can’t believe It’s only been ~4 months since we’ve had them and I remind myself ALL the time they’re only 8 months old. My heart is so full of love.

Sorry, now’s where I put all the adventures with my dogs.

First trip to the Ocean
Climbing Mt Major
First Bath HA
Snuggles, on Snuggles

Additionally – had some fun times with my Stephy – exploring and showing her NH, laughing and chatting.

Visits from Stephy ❤

Yes, yes, there was PLENTY of training too – Even a Bike TT at my favorite shop Fast Splits. Yes, it hurt quite a bit.

I also went back to camp – COEUR CAMP! Which was exactly what I needed, amazing ladies, outside on two wheels, swimming in OUTDOOR pools and loads of giggles, love and hard work!

Climbing Mt Palomar!
This View!
The amazing group of strong women

2019 is coming along nicely – things are coming together and I’m getting excited to race. Spring has arrived with some nicer weather and it’s been amazing – dare I say – not wearing a winter coat! (don’t worry it’s still out in the closet, just in case). The season opens up with Mont Tremblant 70.3 in June and I’m getting ready to see where I’m at. I couldn’t continue to do this without my family and friends, coworkers, and the amazing companies behind the scene.

I’m honored to be back with Coeur Sports for the 6th year in 2019, and also with Skratch labs and Drink Simple for the second year. Watch out 2019! #tigerteam2019

3 thoughts on “2019 So far”

  1. Dog snuggles are where it’s at! They have such a profound way of nestling into your heart, turning the key, and staying there forever! They also have a way of letting you know that nothing is more important than snuggles, food, and play time! ❤ It looks like 2019 is off to a good start for you! I'm excited for your MT 70.3 race day! xoxo

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