Good Riddance 2018

One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.” — Sigmund Freud

Looking back, 2018 was the hardest year of my life. It wasn’t pretty, glamorous or amazing. At times it felt like nothing was going right. There I said it. Often it was ugly, I cried a lot (the whole month of December in fact). I lost a lot, but also gained a lot. I mourned, laughed, was angry, smiled, but above all I lived. Living, feeling the emotions every day. Some days I did nothing, other days were filled to the brim. I raced a few times, not as much as would have liked but I was listening to my mind, body and heart. In the end, I lost two of the most influential aspects of my life. What I learned? How much heartbreak I can endure and that you need to rely on others to pull you through, for that, I’m eternally grateful for my family, friends and teammates.

Either way, time keeps moving. 2019, I’m really looking forward to you. In the meantime, some of my favorite pictures from 2018.





Cheers to new beginnings and a fresh new year. 

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